I learned that 9-11 was a terrible event in history but even though it was tragic U.S Americans did not fall down they stood up against the terrorist. I learned that September 11 was just a normal day, until flight 11 hit the first tower. I had also learned that 3 other planes crashed, 1 into the pentagon, 1 into a field in Pennsylvania, and the last plane hit the other tower. I still believe 9-11 was a very, very sad day but I’m happy that we rebuilt a tower to show that we won’t let that tragic day get in heads. I think the U.S Americans who lost family and friends did not deserve that. In class I learned that there were tons of First Responders who died and got badly injured while trying to save people. We learned that there were people on the plane that made the plane hit the field in Pennsylvania instead of hitting a famous place in Washington DC. We also read a book about the plane hitting the Pentagon and people saving others. I interviewed my Madre and she told me what she was doing, she said everyone thought it was an accident. Over all I learned that 9-11 was a bad day for us but we overcame it.